
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WWW Wednesday (2)

WWW WEDNESDAYS… is a weekly event where you share (1)What you’re currently reading, (2)What you recently finished reading, and (3)What you think you’ll read next.
Hosted by: Should Be Reading

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm Currently Reading Summer's Crossing, the Iron Fey 3.5, which is an adventure with Puck and Ash in Puck's point of view.
I am really enjoying this little side story so far. Puck is hilarious!

What I have Currently Finished:

Shatter was an amazing book and was amazingly written. This story had me intrigued from the start. Something totally different than anything I have read before. I highly recommend this book!
Review: Shatter Me Review

I also just finished Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins and I absolutely loved this book. Best which book I've read since Harry Potter! It doesn't top Harry Potter but I really enjoyed this book. Already bought the second book, Demonglass, and can't wait to read it!
Review: Hex Hall Review

 What I plan On Reading Next:

I will most likely read Demonglass, which is the second book in the Hex Hall series. Really enjoyed the first book. Ran right to the store to pick up Demonglass when I finished Hex Hall.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Janina's TBR List For Winter (3)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by: Broke and Bookish

--Well let me begin with my list.

1. Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
-I loved Unearthly, the first book in the series. It's one of my favorite angel books out there.

2. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
-Well you all should know that this is a given! Can't wait for December 6 to get here.. Clockwork Angel was amazing =)

3. Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon
- I love The Chronicles of Nick series. These books are so funny with so much action in them, with a whole lot of sarcasm! (a plus for me).

4. Across The Universe by Beth Revis
- Yes, I still have not read this book. Don't hate me for it!! I hear great things about it. Just haven't had the chance to read it yet.

5. Wither by Lauren Destefano
-Yes you guys, once again I still haven't read it! But I promise I will really soon maybe!  I don't know why I've been putting off reading this.

6. Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer
-It took me a while to start this series but when I did!!!! I read both Nightshade and Wolfsbane back-to-back. Love this series. Team Ren!

7. Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur
-I read her Riley Jenson series and loved it! So I can't wait to read this spin off off  that series.

8.  Supernaturally by Kiersten White
-I liked Paranormalcy. It was so fun to read. Can't wait to pick up the second installment when I get the chance.

9. Daughter of Smoke and Bones by Laini Taylor
-I've been hearing so many good things about this book. I already pick it up. Just got to find the time to read it.

10. Jealousy by Lili St. Crow
-I really enjoyed the first two books in the series. So much action in these books. Can't wait see what happens in this installment.

Hex Hall

Title: Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)
Author: Rachel Hawkins
Ratings: 5/5 Stars

Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie's estranged father--an elusive European warlock--only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it's her dad who decides her punishment: exile to Hex Hall, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, faeries, and shapeshifters.
By the end of her first day among fellow freak-teens, Sophie has quite a scorecard: three powerful enemies who look like supermodels, a futile crush on a gorgeous warlock, a creepy tagalong ghost, and a new roommate who happens to be the most hated person and only vampire student on campus. Worse, Sophie soon learns that a mysterious predator has been attacking students, and her only friend is the number-one suspect.
As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her.

My Thoughts:
This book is the the first book in the Hex Hall series by Rachel Hawkins. It starts off with a girl named Sophie who gets in trouble for casting a love spell that goes horribly wrong and gets her sent to a school called Hex Hall for kids who get in trouble for using there magic publicly. From there on, she finds herself having a few enemies and has to figure out a way to help her friend of a crime she's accused of and to learn about who she truly is.

This was the best witch book I have ever read! Besides Harry Potter of course. LOL This book had one adventure after another and kept me wanting more. Page after page something different had occurred, which always kept me in suspense. I loved the characters. Sophie was amazing, I really liked her character. Archer?! What the frickin' heck!!!! I really like him, even though so and so happened. (not going to spoil it). And the ending, with Alice....Whoa! And the ending with Sophie on the last page....Whoa!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was fun and definitely a page turner! Recommend to everyone. Can't wait to read Demonglass..

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blogger Spotlight (1)

Welcome to Blogger Spotlight!   This is a great way to discover a new blog, check out their giveaways, and more!  Stop by the featured blog and leave a comment, like on Facebook, follow on Twitter, vote on picket fence, grab their blog button!

This week's Blogger Spotlight is:

Africa's Blog
africa's blog

Africa's Blog: A South African finding her way in MN
South African born, permanent American resident, hockey player, hockey referee, blogger, CPA, CMA, MBA student, mommy to 2 fur babies (miniature pinschers), living with my partner in MN.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Musing Monday (11/28)

 Musing Monday is Hosted by: Should Be Reading

Will you be buying books for the holidays this year? If so, to whom and why?

 -I think I might be buy books for the holidays. My niece is really starting to get into reading books. She turned 11 and has been reading The Diary of A Wimpy Kid series. She really like those books. She wants to read the Percy Jackson series, which is funny to me because I've read all the books in that series and I'm 21.

Also my friend has gotten into reading and has asked me do I know any great books to read...Well of course I do! So I just might Surprise her for the holidays.

Books Most People Have Read but i Still Have Not!

Okay this is a list of books that most people I know have already read or have been read that i have not....
I know, I suck!
But I'm slowly making my way to them.....


Shatter Me

Title: Shatter Me
Author: Tahereh Mafi
Ratings: 4/5 Stars

 Juliette hasn't touched anyone in exactly 264 days.
The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal. As long as she doesn't hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don't fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.

The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war-- and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she's exactly what they need right now. 

Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior

My Thoughts:
This book was about a girl named Juliette who has been institutionalized for a gift she has, the ability to kill a person with a touch of her hand. She meets a guy named Adam and together they try to survive together from the Warner and his troops.

This book was great. I really enjoyed it. In the beginning, the book started off a tad bit slow for me, but not in a way where it was boring, just slow with no action. But that's about the only thing that i didn't about the book. Now on with the good. This book was written so well. I found it interesting the back story of Juliette's past, the negligence of her parents who did not want her and of the world itself, who saw her as a freak who is dangerous to everyone. Adam's past was difficult as well. You get some insight to who they where before and why they act the way they do in the present.

The romance of this book was one of my favorite things about the book. The way Juliette and Adam connect with each other and the bond and love that they share, is truly amazing. Not much combat/action in this book but when it happened it was written out well, another thing i loved with this book. The end was my favorite, when they met the organization Omega Point. You guys will have to read the book to know what I'm talking about.

But overall I loved this book! I recommend it to everyone. It's a fun and quick read. You really get drawn into the story with the character!

Two Day Ebook Giveaway! [CLOSED!]

This giveaway is of an Ebook (pdf format) copy of Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi and Between Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore.

Two Winners!

For as long as Esmerine can remember, she has longed to join her older sister, Dosinia, as a siren--the highest calling a mermaid can have. When Dosinia runs away to the mainland, Esmerine is sent to retrieve her. Using magic to transform her tail into legs, she makes her way unsteadily to the capital city. There she comes upon a friend she hasn't seen since childhood--a dashing young man named Alander, who belongs to a winged race of people. As Esmerine and Alander band together to search for Dosinia, they rekindle a friendship . . . and ignite the emotions for a love so great, it cannot be bound by sea, land, or air.
Juliette hasn't touched anyone in exactly 264 days.
The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal. As long as she doesn't hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don't fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color. 

The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war-- and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she's exactly what they need right now.
Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Title: Willow
Author: Julia Hoban
Ratings: 4/5 Stars

Seven months ago, on a rainy March night, sixteen year- old Willow's parents died in a horrible car accident. Willow was driving. Now her older brother barely speaks to her, her new classmates know her as the killer orphan girl, and Willow is blocking the pain by secretly cutting herself. But when one boy - one sensitive, soulful boy - discovers Willow's secret, it sparks an intense relationship that turns the "safe" world Willow has created for herself upside down.

Told in an extraordinary fresh voice, Willow is an unforgettable novel about one girl's struggle to cope with tragedy, and one boy's refusal to give up on her.

My Thoughts:
This book was about a girl name Willow who is dealing with the death of her parents and is living with her brother and his wife. Willow becomes a cutter. Not being able to deal with the emotions of her parents death.

I liked this book. I loved the way it was written. So much emotions from a young girl who has to deal with the death of her parents and on top of that dealing with issue of her staying in a new environment with her older brother, who barely speaks to her anymore. With all the bad in the book, I liked Willow and Guy's relationship. It was a breath of fresh air to see these happy moments with all the bad issues that Willow was going through.

This but was overall good. It was an opener to see the things that some people experience. Great emotion, happiness, romance. I recommend it to everyone. It was a quick read for me.

Thirteen Reasons Why

Title: Thirteen Reasons Why
Author: Jay Asher
Ratings: 5/5 Stars

Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers thirteen cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker, his classmate and crush who committed suicide two weeks earlier. 
On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list.
Through Hannah and Clay's dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers.

My Thoughts:
This book was about a girl name Hannah who made thirteen tapes for thirteen people that she feel play a part in her decision to commit suicide. The tapes are past along from person to person until the thirteenth person receives the tapes. This book is told from Clay's point a view, one of the people on the tapes.

This book book was truly amazing but also very sad. The things that Hannah went through to lead to her decision was awful. What came to my mind when I was reading this book was that, you never know what a person may be going through, so you need to be careful the things you say to people and how you treat them. This book made me shed a couple of tears. Especially for Clay who didn't have anything to do with her death but he had a really big crush on her but never got the chance to tell her how he felt.

This book had so many emotions running through it, I didn't know what to do with myself. But this book was written so amazingly that it blew my mind. I recommend this book to everyone, maybe 16 years and older.

Loved it!


Title: Invasion
Author: Jon S. Lewis
Ratings: 4/5 Stars


He didn't ask for the job, but now all that stands between us and chaos... is Colt

Colt McAlister was having the summer of his life. He spent his days surfing and his nights playing guitar on the beach with friends. He even met a girl and got his first car. But everything changes when his parents are killed in a freak accident.

He's forced to leave his old life behind and move to Arizona with his grandfather. The only person he knows at the new high school is a childhood friend named Dani. And Oz, a guy he's sure he's never met but who is strangely familiar.

But what if his parents' death wasn't an accident? His mother, an investigative reporter, was going to expose a secret mind-control program run by one of the world's largest companies. Before she could release the story, what if agents from Trident Biotech made sure she couldn't go public?

Vowing to uncover the truth, Colt gets drawn into a secret world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible gateways.

The Invasion has begun.

My Thoughts:
I got the chance to read this book, Invasion by Jon S. Lewis for free at This book was about a boy named Colt who is set in an adventure with an Company named Trident industries, who has aliens as the board of directors which are trying to take over earth using bio chips that control the human mind. An organization known as Chaos is there to help and colt and his friends are trying to stop and alien invasion that are coming to destroy life on earth and make it there home planet.

This book was a very fun read, adventure after adventure. The characters were great. Each character had different elements that I liked. Colt was the who dealt with the loss of his parents and is trying to bring justice to the people who did it. Danielle is the smart friend, who was essential to figuring things out. Oz was the fun friend who's energetic with a sense of humor and sort of nerdy. I've never read about about aliens in this form. It was different and I liked that Lewis explained background and history of each alien or organization in a way to where people will understand what is going on in the story. The hints of romance between Colt and Lily and Oz and Danielle was nice and sweet. I wish there was more development in that area though.

But overall I thought the book was fun and I enjoyed it the story a lot.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Books To Pine For (2)

Hosted by: the story siren
-Books to pine for is where you list a book or books your pining over to be release. (books you can't for to come out to stores

Title: Fear (Gone, #5)
Author: Michael Grant
Release Date: April 3rd 2012 by Katherine Tegen Books


This is a blood-pumping, white-knuckle sci-fi thriller of epic proportions. Night is falling in the FAYZ. Even though it's been nearly a year since everyone over the age of fifteen disappeared, the sun has continued to shine on the kids of Perdido Beach. Now, though, the gaiaphage has blotted out the sun and plunged the FAYZ into perpetual gloom. Divided and dispirited, the survivors face their greatest enemy yet - the darkness of their own minds..

 Title: The Calling (Darkness Rising, #2)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Release Date: April 10th 2012 by HarperCollins


In The Calling, the sizzling second book in the Darkness Rising trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong pumps up the romance, danger, and suspense that left readers of The Gathering clamoring for more.

Maya Delaney’s paw-print birthmark is the sign of what she truly is—a skin-walker. She can run faster, climb higher, and see better than nearly anyone else. Experiencing intense connections with the animals that roam the woods outside her home, Maya knows it’s only a matter of time before she’s able to Shift and become one of them. And she believes there may be others in her small town with surprising talents.

Now, Maya and her friends have been forced to flee from their homes during a forest fire they suspect was deliberately set. Then they’re kidnapped, and after a chilling helicopter crash, they find themselves in the Vancouver Island wilderness with nothing but their extraordinary abilities to help them get back home. Plentiful action and romance in this second installment in the Darkness Rising series will keep readers enthralled to the very last page!

 Title: Until I Die (Revenants, #2)
Author: Amy Plum
Release Date: May 8th 2012 by HarperCollins Publishers


 Kate and Vincent have overcome the odds and at last they are together in Paris, the city of lights and love.

As their romance deepens there’s one question they can’t ignore: How are they supposed to be together if Vincent can’t resist sacrificing himself to save others? Although Vincent promises that he’ll do whatever it takes to lead a normal life with Kate, will that mean letting innocent people die? When a new and surprising enemy reveals itself, Kate realizes that even more may be at stake—and that Vincent’s immortality is in jeopardy.

In Die for Me, Amy Plum created a captivating paranormal mythology with immortal revenants and a lush Paris setting. Until I Die is poised to thrill readers with more heart-pounding suspense, spellbinding romance, and a cliff-hanger ending that will leave them desperate for the third and final novel in the series.

 Title: Timepiece (Hourglass, #2)
Author: Myra McEntire
Release Date: June 12th 2012 by EgmontUSA


Not release yet.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my followers and fellow blogger! Appreciate the things you are thankful for and enjoy the time your spending  with your family and friends. Plus don't eat to much turkey or you'll regret it! LOL


Title: Plague (Gone, #4)
Author: Michael Grant
Ratings: 5/5 Stars

It's been eight months since all the adults disappeared. GONE.

They've survived hunger. They've survived lies. But the stakes keep rising, and the dystopian horror keeps building. Yet despite the simmering unrest left behind by so many battles, power struggles, and angry divides, there is a momentary calm in Perdido Beach.

But enemies in the FAYZ don't just fade away, and in the quiet, deadly things are stirring, mutating, and finding their way free. The Darkness has found its way into the mind of its Nemesis at last and is controlling it through a haze of delirium and confusion. A highly contagious, fatal illness spreads at an alarming rate. Sinister, predatory insects terrorize Perdido Beach. And Sam, Astrid, Diana, and Caine are plagued by a growing doubt that they'll escape - or even survive - life in the FAYZ. With so much turmoil surrounding them, what desperate choices will they make when it comes to saving themselves and those they love?

Plague, Michale Grant's fourth book in the bestselling Gone series, will satisfy dystopian fans of all ages.

My Thoughts:
Michael Grant your books just keep getting better and better! This book is about basically what the book is called, Plague! Plagues come to the FAYZ and the kids have to find a way for them to survive.
This book was awesome! You would think Grant couldn't top the last book, but know, he's done it again.
Let me start off saying that this book wasn't from the usual characters as much. A lot of the other characters got major play in this book. Sam had his parts, which i loved, but wish there was more of. I started not to like a couple characters in this book, Not going to name names but yeah. The action in this book, always amazing. Astrid was okay, she didn't have any major parts in this installment, not until the end. 
The end, which confused the crap outta me! Like really, i'm confused! Hope there is more explanation in the next book about that ending. 
Can't wait for Fear to be released! I highly recommend you guys check out this series..It's awesome!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WWW Wednesday (1)

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Should Be Reading 
-Its where you tell:
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

okay so this is my first one, so first up..

What I'm currently reading:

Plague by Michael Grant.
I am loving it so far. His books just keep getting better and better! If you haven't read the first book in the series Gone, you should stop what your doing, and pick it up!

What I recently finished reading:

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
I liked this book a lot. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about this book, but decided to pick it anyway and was glad i did. If your contemplating about getting this book, give it a try anyway.

What I think I'll read next:

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Maybe i'll read this next. I don't know. But this book caught my attention and i already have it. Plus i've been hearing great things about it. So i might read it next but i have other books i might read before this.

One Day Ebook Giveaway! [CLOSED!]

 This Giveaway is only for one day!
Today November 23, 2011 and will end at 8 pm central time.
So enter as soon as you can!
Your prize your competing for an Ebook (pdf format) copy of......
 -A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies


On the night of Skye's seventeenth birthday, she meets two enigmatic strangers. Complete opposites;like fire and ice;Asher is dark and wild, while Devin is fair and aloof. Their sudden appearance sends Skye's life into a tailspin. She has no idea what they want, or why they seem to follow her every move only that their presence coincides with a flurry of strange events. Soon she begins to doubt not just the identity of the two boys, but also the truth about her own past.
In the dead of a bitingly cold Colorado winter, Skye finds herself coming to terms with the impossible secret that threatens to shatter her world. Torn between Asher, who she can't help falling for, and Devin, who she can't stay away from, the consequences of Skye's choice will reach further than the three of them could ever imagine.

 To Enter you Must:

  1. Must be a follower.
  2. Leave comment with Name and Email.
  3. (optional) Add blog button to blog +1 entry (leave link to blog)
  4. (optional) Follow me on twitter click here =)  +2 entries

Twitter for blog!

Hey you guys!
I just made a twitter account for this blog so that you can know about more giveaways and reviews sooner. Follow me guys!
Being a follower will also help with extra entries in my giveaways!
Twitter (here)
Until next time,
Happy Readings!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels I'm Dying To Read (2)

1. Insurgent by Veronica Roth
-Loved Divergent. One of my faves

2. Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
-Starcrossed was awesome, even though I bought for the cover and loved it!

3. Bloodrose by Andrea Creamer
-Nightshade and Wolfsbane! I want to know what happens with Ren so bad!!!!

4. Lover Reborn by JR Ward
-Those Black Dagger Brotherhood boys are my love! Can't wait for Tohr's story!

5. Fear by Michael Grant
-This Gone series has been a great adventure. Can't wait for the next one to come.

6. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
-One of my top books to get! Enough said about that!

7. Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
-Unearthly was great, which was a breath a fresh air when i read it.

8. Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon
-Love the chronicles of nick series. Yall should check Nick out.

9. Endlessly by Kiersten White
-Awesome series. I know everyone is waiting for the final book.

10.  The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
-One of my favorite authors. Love this series right there with the VA books!